Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ferro Family

Took another hiatus from blogging. Facebook is just so much easier to upload to, but now that the website is down I really am going to try and post here as well. We shall see :) 
Thankfully I have been busy. Took a sweet 3 year old pictures this morning and this super fun family this evening! Their little girl is in Marlee's class and so I was honored when they asked me to take their family pics! Here are just a few~ will probably add a few more tomorrow as well!!

I just love everything about this picture. :)

Awwww so sweet!

Such a beautiful family!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

French Family

This weekend I have a maternity shoot, 2 Easter Mini's, a couple, and a family shoot! Whew its going to be busy! I love it! I am so thankful for the support and the opportunity to take all of these wonderful pictures! 
This is the French Family. They were so much fun and we didn't stop laughing! It was hard to pick pictures for a preview since they were all so good! Not a bad problem to have ;)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Been busy!

Whew it has been a busy couple of weeks! Blessed to be working so much! Recently I have done pictures of some super adorable kiddos and getting ready for Easter mini sessions. This is a great deal so sign up soon! Now without further ado - Van, Kendall and Haylie, and the Easter preview with the Hennig and Keevan kids!


Kendall and Haylie

Easter Mini Preview

Looking forward to the next few weeks with lots of family sessions and Easter bunnies to photograph! As always thanks for the support and passing the word along!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rory-3 Months

This blue eyed boy has blessed me with the title of Auntie! I can't believe he is already 3 months old! He has started to smile and hold is head up since the last time I saw him. And he isn't allowed to get any bigger. Something so sweet about the tiny ones :) Enjoy!

Holding Daddy's finger. Melts me!

Too funny not to share! Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy 3 months sweet boy! We love you 'Dory'!!

Hennig Family

Had a fun afternoon with some new friends taking pictures of their sweet family! Braving the wind and even some sprinkles we managed to get a lot of great pics of this adorable family! Nothing like a little brotherly love to make your day! 

Thanks again guys! You are a beautiful family!

New Year, New Work

So I have started to try and get 'started' in this photography thing quite a few times now. 2012 was a crazy year and a year of adjustment. Two kids isn't easy. I have worked on improving my photography skills and trying to start getting my name out there. I now have a website (still a work in progress) and have been displaying my work on Facebook. I have just recently gotten back  into this blogging and would like to try and put my work here too! Especially since I am taking a small break from Facebook! So without further ado the last two sessions-- Rory and the Hennig's

Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's been a while......

I have been so busy with finishing school, growing a baby, moving, and an adorable toddler I have barely had time to breathe, let alone work on photography stuff. BUT I am now going to make myself take 30 min to an hour a day to focus on this so I can get this business back on track!!!! I love it so much and I just haven't put into it what I want to and with the annoying complications of a computer and the post office I need to figure something else out.

Anyway....To start it off is Mandi's Maternity. I love love love how they all turned out. She is the most beautiful preggo lady I have seen bc she has that perfect round belly! :) I hope they love them as much as I do!

I will be doing a catch up post hopefully this weekend and put up all the amazing people that I have been taking pictures of over the last 6 months!! :)